Monday, 15 September 2014

Fun with sounds

Our Majors children have been having lots of fun learning about sounds, which is their topic for this term.

They have been out on a listening walk, hearing birds, cars on the road, the hand dryer in the toilets, and water bubbling in the fish tank.

They have also been painting to music - listening carefully to the music and painting faster when the beat of the music speeds up, and slower when it slows down.

Friday, 12 September 2014

Welcome back to our blog!

We would like to welcome all our families back to Pre-School. We hope you had a lovely summer. Our Majors children have settled back into Pre-School really well and we had some new children starting in the Minors group this week.

Some of our Majors children are staying with us into the afternoon, and had their first packed lunches with us last week.