Friday, 18 September 2015

Donation from TSB

Earlier this year, we were chosen to be the charity partners of TSB bank in Tewkesbury. This week, Jane went into the Tewkesbury branch and was presented with a cheque for £230. As well as this, TSB gave us lots of paper, which will be a really useful resource for the children.

TSB are planning a Christmas raffle and a coffee morning to help them meet their aim to donate £500 to us. We really appreciate their efforts!

Monday, 14 September 2015

Welcome back to our blog!

We hope all our children and their families had a lovely summer. Our Majors children have made a great start to the new year, with their move to the morning group. We have also welcomed our new Minors children in the afternoon and they have all settled in very well.

We have made the most of the sunny weather by getting outside and having fun with water and sand.

Our new Minors children have been getting used to our Pre-School routines - carpet time, snack time and story time.